Friday, February 11, 2011


The following quote from a local newspaper sums up my undergraduate experience perfectly:
"The... bond is arguably tighter than at most schools. There's no med school, no research facility, no nearby big city to escape to. The glue that binds students through frigid winters is equal parts academic, basketball and beer. That's why a horde of alumni stay in touch long after their paths diverge." - Donn Esmonde
This weekend is Alumni Weekend and Boyfriend (who is also an alum) and I will be going to visit, along with my dad, his girlfriend, and her son, who is going for a college visit. To kick off Alumni Weekend, alumni across the country were called to celebrate "Pride Day," and wear clothing with the school name and/or colors.

Being the proud alumna that I am, I chose a sweatshirt with the school name emblazened across my chest (this coincided nicely with "dress down Friday"). First thing this morning on the way to breakfast, a first grader asks me, "What's wrong with your uniform?" Guess my lack of "teacher clothes" threw him off.

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