Monday, May 16, 2011

Do You Like My Hat?

I've spent 3.5 of the past 6 days in trainings... sitting in a window-less conference room, breathing in 70 other colleagues carbon dioxide, wondering where the "airplane smell" is coming from (are they pumping it through the ducts?) while counting down the minutes til lunchtime. Needless to say, not the most splendid time (though the trainings were informative and useful, for the most part).

Here's a testing tidbit to brighten my (and your) evening. I was giving a kindergartener a perceptual reasoning task last week, and we were on a subtest where she had to match a picture to complete a visual matrix. In plain language, it's like a visual analogy: here's a dog and a doghouse, a fish and... what matches? Anyway, we arrived at an item that had a variety of hats and the kiddo perked up. "Oh, I know this one. It's a pimp hat!" she said, pointing to a wide-brimmed hat.

Game, set, match, young lady. I'll be over here, giggling.

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